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Mentoring Programme

Implemented for the first time in 1996, the Técnico Mentoring Programme is designed to bring together students from the same course, not only from the same year, but also from more advanced years, contributing to a better integration into academic life.

The programme takes place every six months for mobility program students and for 1st year (1st and 2nd cycle) activities are essentially concentrated at the time of reception and in the 1st semester as there are more challenges to integration, in order to ensure the transition to the life of technician student.

What are the goals?

Constantly improving over the years to provide better support for students, its goals are:

  • Support the Mentees in their reception and integration into their new school, encouraging a spirit of cooperation amongst all;
  • Enrich both Mentors and Mentees by promoting not only personal and professional development activities, but also playful initiatives;
  • Bring all participants of the Mentoring Programme closer, fomenting networking in an accessible and informal way.

How does it work?

The Mentoring Program is implemented with the support of more advanced students (Mentors) who, on a voluntary basis, with their academic experiences, accompany recent students (Mentees), with a view to facilitating their integration and adaptation. Mentees may be 1st year students of the 1st or 2nd cycle entering Técnico for the first time or international mobility students.


Every year Técnico receives more than 2000 students in 1st and 2nd cycle courses, with three main groups standing out: 1st Cycle, Mobility and 2nd Cycle students. Thus, each Mentor will have a very important and intervening role in the academic and social life of these students, aiming to speed up the process of adaptation and learning. The needs that each Mentee presents depend on several factors, focusing mainly on academic, social and personal aspects. Generally speaking, the needs typically presented by Mentees are related to:

Deal effectively with the procedures associated with registration and the first steps after joining Técnico;

Get to know the services and institutional responses of Técnico and the University of Lisbon;

Meet colleagues from your year and/or course;

Discover the city of Lisbon;

Clarifying doubts about the course they enroll in, Técnico, academic life, career options, among others;

Having someone to turn to in case of need or emergency.


During the school year, regular monitoring is carried out and activities of a playful nature and personal and professional development take place. Mentees may participate in some activities in which they may meet other new students and Mentors from other courses, the Técnico and its surroundings and the city of Lisbon.


Participation in the program is recognized on the Diploma Completion Supplement if the Mentor participates in a set of activities and completes the indicated reports. See all the information in the program rules!



In the Alameda campus, the registration for the Mentoring Programme runs from July to August, depending on the school year. Registration may be individual or group with another colleague of the same course and will only be valid if the Mentor takes the Initial Training Sessions and actively participates in the Welcome Week. Please note that enrollment or acceptance by Mentors should be conscious as the redesign of the program has made it more demanding. In return, there will be a greater investment in Mentors.


The Mentoring Programme was recognized in 2018 as a Técnico Best Practice in the category Human Resources.

Check here the presentation held at the 2nd ObservIST Meeting.

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